Our History
With its roots as a sub committee with the Canadian Electrical Association, the Council's early years consisted of an annual forum for Fleet Managers to gather, share ideas and identify issues of mutual interest and concern as well as establish goals to improve the Industry as a whole.
It provided a forum for interchange between utility fleets and the manufacturers and distributors of fleet equipment.
While this forum was mainly directed at the electrical utilities, in 1997 this group was expanded to include representatives of fleets in the Natural Gas and Telecom sectors.
This annual event became known as the Canadian Utility Fleet Forum (CUFF). It was administered by a Steering Committee, elected from the regular attendees at the forum.
In recent years it became evident that while the CUFF was an important annual event, a more regular and permanent structure was necessary to address issues and concerns that face the industry.
As a result the Council was formed from the CUFF. As identified in the Terms of Reference, the Council will continue to sponsor the annual forum but will also provide a permanent for structure for an ongoing interchange of information, as well as to provide a voice for the Canadian Utility Fleet sector with manufacturers and distributors of utility fleet equipment and with national and international standards bodies (CSA, ANSI, ISO).